The Serenity Experience

Please Note: I offer 3 different sessions:

  • The Healing Treatment: (in this order) 5-minute energy clearing and saging + 15-minute mineral herbal detox foot bath/soak + one of the 30-minute healing treatments of your choice + a 60-minute deep tissue full body massage. (See menu below for the 30-minute healing treatments) {2 hours total for this session} = $400

  • The Health Consultation: including a complete comprehensive protocol, plus 3 follow up’s. See details below. = $500

  • The Home ReVibe and Revival…..subtle interior design: see details below. = $2,500


    ​➙ Deep Tissue Massage (explained):

    • A very thorough, full body, deep-tissue sports-massage.…healing and meaningful. My goal is to get into the tissue and release that lactic acid build-up. Getting that out of your body helps you live a more relaxed existence. Deep tissue massage is also a lymphatic flush, and lymphatic health and drainage is essential to stay dis-ease free. Lymphatic health is the future of medicine, mark my words. I start with hot towels on your back and neck, and end with hot towels on your feet and neck. I also do a few minutes of hot stones on your back, neck, and legs before you turn over.

    ​➙ Foot Bath: (explained):

    • The foot bath/soak is full of many beautiful things to aid in detoxification, cleansing, rejuvenation, and relaxation. Inside this lovely brew is: epsom salts, chinese herbal tea bags (specifically for foot soaking) which support kidneys, liver, blood cleansing, and lymphatic drainage. I pour many aromatherapy oils into the warm water for detoxification and relaxation, plus ginger oil, tea tree oil, mustard seed powder from indian ayurvedic medicine traditions, baking soda, magnetic clay, and fresh rosemary, herbs, and flowers from my garden.

~🌿The Healing Treatments (prior to massage):

  • Infrared Sauna session {30-minutes}:​

    • The Infrared Sauna is highly recommended for the ultimate relaxation, detoxification, and numerous health benefits! The infrared sauna detoxes you on a cellular level and is very effective at getting your cells to release heavy metals. The benefits of the infrared sauna are deeply anti-aging, not to mention your aches, pains, injuries, and especially inflammation greatly minimize with every session. There have been thousands of documented cases as of today where these infrared sauna sessions, on a daily basis, have put cancer into remission. It is crucial to detox on a cellular level continually. In this session you will sip cold spring water, the door will be slightly cracked so you always have fresh air coming in if you choose, and you will sweat toxins out. Afterwards, you will rinse off in the shower to get all the heavy metals off your skin. You will feel like a big load is lifted off of you after this session, it is the best thing ever before a massage.                                                                                       

  • Private Yoga session {30-minutes}: 

    • Yoga is a form of self massage. Yoga is a form of meditation. Yoga means Union….union of mind, body, and spirit. A person at 60 is young if their spine is flexible, and a person at 30 is old if their spine is not flexible. We are only as healthy as our spine is supple! I began my yoga training in India at 16 years old. I lived there for one year and did an intensive Hatha Yoga certification program at the oldest Yoga Institution in the world. I have been teaching yoga for the last 25 years. Doing a little bit of yoga everyday is life-changing. In this session, we will do 30 minutes of the most simple, yet most important, classic yoga stretches and make sure to get all the areas of the body open. This is a wonderful way to get your mind, body, and spirit open and relaxed so you can fully enjoy your massage! Yoga is a true path to longevity and inner peace. 

  • ​Sound Bath on Magnetic Mat + Reiki healing {30-minutes}: 

    • ​This is a $5-thousand dollar Magnetic Mat (from Germany) called the relaxes the body deeply and takes you into a light REM sleep while getting your cells to go forward in the correct direction; clockwise. It helps recover injuries much faster and reduces inflammation while powering up your cells and synchronizing your biorhythms. This mat is similar to laying on the earth in a forests floor. The NBA & NFL have been using it for years on their athletes for quicker recovery. While you lay on the mat I will do a sound healing bath on you with crystal sound bowls, koshi chimes, a buffalo drum, and sound tuning forks that are specifically made for the body. The sound healing will energize you into a higher frequency clearing out stagnant energy and restoring balance in your physical, mental, and energetic body. I will end the session with five minutes of Reiki healing. Reiki means; Life Force Energy…’s where very light hands are touching the subject while the practitioner guides energy throughout the body to promote the recipients self-healing abilities.

  • Ice Bath + Breathwork session + Reiki healing {30-minutes}:  

    • ​The benefits of an ice bath is showing itself in massive data all over the world. This is an ancient form of not only deep physical healing but also mental rejuvenation. An ice bath will reduce inflammation, swelling, sore muscles, and increase the recovery of most injuries. It calms down your central nervous system, activates your immune system, boosts circulation, and literally boosts your mood because cold showers have been clinically proven for eons to be an anti-depressant! I swear by the ice bath! The minimum requirement for the bath is 2-3 minutes but hopefully we can get you to stay for 5 minutes, only if you want to.  After the ice bath, we will jump right into 11 minutes of the Wim Hof (he is referred to as “the ice-man”) breathing technique, it is massively powerful. This breath work completely activates the immune system and cleans out bacteria and viruses from the blood. It's also so energizing and relaxing. After the breath work session you will lay on your back and I will give you 10 minutes of Reiki. Reiki means; Life Force Energy…it’s where very light hands are touching the subject while the practitioner guides energy throughout the body to promote the recipients self-healing abilities!

  • Ionic Foot Bath {30-minutes}:  

    • In nature, ions are generated by the​ movement of water molecules. Think of how good you feel while walking along a beach or near a waterfall. We are creating the same reaction with this detoxifying foot bath, only magnified many times over. This ionic foot bath delivers a clean filtered current which elicits a relaxation response in the body while also generating positively and negatively charged ions which draw toxins out of your body through your feet while relaxing you. Once the negative hydrogen ions are introduced via the ionic foot bath through the 4,000+ large pores in the feet and are circulated throughout the body, they act as antioxidants, and they lose electrons easily. It is this process that neutralizes free radicals. The water will turn unusual colors indicating that a person has accumulated toxins and is now releasing them from certain areas of the body. The common benefits are: reduce swelling and inflammation in the body, relieve pain, relieve anxiety, improve sleep quality, improve mental focus, feel more energetic, boost immune system, clears up complexion, balance PH level.​

  • Breathwork session + Reiki {30-minutes}:

    • We will start with “breath of fire” breathing exercise, then move into the Wim Hof breathing technique. This breath work completely activates the immune system and cleans out bacteria and viruses from the blood. It's also so energizing and relaxing. Breath work is one of the most powerful ways to stop the busy brain and gain control of the mind. It's a true form of meditation. Afterwards, I will lay you on the massage table so I can give you Reiki. Reiki means; Life Force Energy…it’s where very light hands are touching the subject while the practitioner guides energy throughout the body to promote the recipients self-healing abilities!

~🌿The Health Consultation:

Including a complete comprehensive Protocol {90-minutes} = $500 for the Consultation + Protocol + 3 follow-ups.

  • This session could possibly change your entire life, I've seen it many times. Let’s rewire your entire world. It starts with the brain, the body, and the spirit. Health is thee truest Wealth. Preventative medicine is thee truest medicine. Catch it before it catches you! Prevention is the ultimate path to Longevity. In this session we will focus on your specific health concerns while tending to the most important system in your body- the gut/brain connection. I will curate for you a golden immune protocol as well as a gut protocol to completely activate your immune system to a whole other level while getting your gut healed and balanced. I've helped over a hundred people in the past 15 years and the results are real. I am a longevity/wellness/health consultant and I have been studying under the top health wizards/wholistic Doctors of our time for the last 20 years. In this session you will get an educational foundation of the core fundamentals of Longevity. This will be a real physical reboot and I keep it simple, not complicated. I will customize a Plan just for you addressing your overall wellness both physically, mentally, and spiritually. This session is also very much a spiritual up-leveling. We will actively take your spiritual life to a deeper level with a practical daily practice, as well as do a brain-reboot. The only way to truly shift is to get into the neural-pathways in the brain and rewire them with new information. Reprogram the circuits, and watch the magic unfold. This session includes 3 follow up check-in’s over the phone and email so we can track your progress and answer any questions you may have along the way. *This session is separate from all the other sessions. You are welcome to do this session completely separate or before The Healing Treatment session. —>Also, one of the rare services I offer is Referrals of the highest order when your situation is beyond my skillset. I would never claim to know more than I do so I have been referred to as the “Referral Queen” because I am blessed to know some of thee BEST wholistic genius doctors, experts, health wizards, healers, psychics, astrologers, you name it, and I will connect you with the right person if you are dealing with a serious health condition or need guidance in other various forms. ❤️

~🌿The Home ReVibe and Revival…..subtle interior design:

Three, 3-hour sessions in your home, plus 3 hours of me online shopping for you = $2,500.

The focus will be on your living room, kitchen, main bathroom, and master bedroom. I have literally been asked to do this for dozens of my friends because they see my homes over the years and always say, “Can you please come make my home look like yours!?” Haha…it truly means a lot to me to hear this because I pour my heart and soul into my homes and its always been one of my deepest passions-to make a space beautiful! We will hone in on what your home/space needs, and also what needs to be taken out of the space as well. It comes down to a very basic process: Clear, Declutter, Purge, Cleanse, Organize, and ReVibe! Then, we add the few crucial elements that make every room MAGICAL. It’s simply “The 10-Zen-Must-Haves” that must go into every room. It’s not too expensive, and it’s not a huge project (usually) but it is life changing, and it truly shifts any room into a dope ass vibe. When you evolve your home into a sanctuary it effects every area of your life in the best ways! Making your home a sanctuary IS the design of wellness! 🌝